Monday, August 5, 2013

Another Quick Post...

Hey everyone! Hope all is well! I'm in the last push to get everything settled and done before heading back home, so I don't have a lot of time to write things up.

If you want to see more of the pictures I've taken at BIOFarm, go to Facebook and like the BIOFarm Shanghai page. I've got tons of pictures posted and have some more descriptions of the events we've been hosting while here.

Despite the extreme heat, life kind of goes on like normal here. Volunteers (like Michael pictured below) are coming and going, farmers are frantically trying to pick veggies before they spoil in the heat, and me and the giant German Shepard hang out in the office trying not to melt.

There have been lots of adorable kids and families coming through, like this sweet little family that came out for a series of activities and to help us with a photo shoot for a magazine.

Oh, and I got my big present to myself! It reads 更见澄明 (roughly translated: see with clarity). It is originally from that poem I found at the art museum. I went to Shanghai Tattoo, based on a recommendation from an Italian girl I met with a beautiful Arabic tattoo, and got it done in a day. I walked in, wrote what characters I wanted, the girl who runs the shop took out a brush and ink and quickly did this beautiful calligraphy, and then I got it done. 

To answer your questions; yes I watched them prep everything, it was all sterilized, disposable, and totally safe. Yes it hurt, especially that first bar by my wrist, but other than that it wasn't too bad. Yes everything has healed up perfectly, no infection, no weird scarring, etc. And yes, I did knit while waiting for them to get set up :P

The people at BIOFarm kind of freaked out at first, but once they got over their initial shock, they thought it was actually pretty cool. And if a bunch of Chinese people approve your Chinese tattoo, it has to be good, right?

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