Friday, August 9, 2013

Things I Won't Miss About China

Maybe it is this extreme heat (yesterday got up to 41) that is causing me to lose my temper. Possibly it is the fact that I have had to redo 4 stupid simple projects about three times each, because my boss keeps changing her mind about what she wants. Or maybe that I haven't really been able to exercise in weeks, been stuck in one of two tiny rooms, the internet randomly decides to stop working, or that I still haven't finished my research paper... but this past week has been a struggle.

Although I have loved this trip, it has definitely not always been easy. So, in this vein, here are some things I've struggled to deal with throughout my trip.

1) Having to repeat everything I say three times, in three slightly different ways, trying to hit upon some combination of words that the other person will recognize. When you are just trying to figure out what is going on, and you've already had a long, stumbling conversation that didn't tell you anything, this is infinitely frustrating.

2) Insanely crowded public buses. There have been times where people had to get off so that they could shut the door... and invariably there is some guy on the bus eating a breakfast of something with either garlic or onions.

3) Trying to get off said bus. When we learned the Chinese phrase for "squeezing your way off of a bus" I didn't think that would be terribly useful. Wrong. Also, trying to avoid stepping on anybody, while also making sure to hold onto some railing or hand grip (because you never can tell when the bus driver will decide to suddenly stop or swerve) without pissing off most of the bus is a trial.

4) Spitting. I've heard from many people that apparently it is much better than it used to be. It is still gross, and people walk there!

5) Not having any cold water. There is a water cooler... but it doesn't actually cool the water. It just sits at room temperature, which for these past few months has been HOT.

6) Periodically running out of water. This doesn't really happen in the states... after all, the sink doesn't run out of water. Or if you are out in public there are generally water fountains located near al restrooms. However... you can't drink the tap water in China. So when the giant 5 gallon water cooler at the office is empty, and no one can find another bottle, you are stuck. So far, this has happened twice... and that is enough to make me wary for the rest of my trip.

7) The invariable pattern of peoples' reactions as they see me on the street. Once they get about 20 yards from me they go silent, stare at me until we awkwardly pass each other, continue in silence for a couple of seconds, and then say "Laowai." (Foreigner). It wouldn't be so bad if there was some variety... but it is almost always exactly the same, and happens about 15 times a day.

8) Passing two piles of burning trash on my way to work. Lots of plastic and styrofoam roasting with odd pieces of paper, food scraps, and who knows what else. Street cleaners come by periodically to turn the ashes, and pile more trash on top. Also, they are located right by the local river... which can't be at all harmful...

9) Eating cooked cucumbers or bitter melon. At least every other day, one of those veggies shows up in my lunch box. At first, it wasn't so bad... it was a new experience! I was expanding my culinary horizons! But after a couple of weeks, I found that I don't actually like them. By now I pretty much hate the mushy and flavorless cucumber, and the bitter melon is... bitter.

10) Not having bread. Or strawberries, raspberries, rhubarb, snap peas, salads, peanut butter sandwiches, toast, Italian dressing, and I could go on and on. Right now... it is pretty much too hot to cook. Some days, you don't really even feel like eating. Normally, I can get through these periods with a lot of cold salads and sandwiches, but right now all I have is a few pots and a hot plate.

Alright.. that's enough. There are other irritants, but these are the ones that have most frustrated me lately. I'm going to try to get through the last few days and end on a really positive note. I have two more opportunities to go into Shanghai city center, so I'm going to make the most of it. And on the 13th we are having a big Chinese Valentine's Day celebration, which should be fun.

And now, a pretty picture of our lotus pond:

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