Saturday, June 8, 2013

50 Random Notes on Traveling Through China

1) No, you don't actually want to know what that is... just eat it.
2) Bring toilet paper, napkins, and hand sanitizer everywhere.
3) No, you probably won't fall into the squat toilet.
4) Breakfast should either be random street fruit or some sort of fired dough. Period.
5) All of the drivers are insane, but almost no one gets into an accident.
6) Yes, constant honking is necessary.
7) So is constant spitting.
8) When crossing the street, it is always best to stick your hand out and hope for the best.
9) Unless there is a taxi coming towards you, they don't usually stop.
10) Don't step on the dirt patch surrounding the trees.
11) Ditto for puddles of water, manhole covers, or sewer grates.
12) Cheap street food is just as good, if not better, than any food you get at a sit down restaurant.
13) Never ever pay full price for something you find at a street vendor.
14) When in down, nod and smile, often that will help get you out of many situations.
15) Smile for the inevitable pictures with random Chinese strangers.
16) Always reply whenever someone says "Hello!" to you. Either they are incredibly brave and using the only English word they know, or you are in for an interesting conversation.
17) Chinese women will always be more stylish than you. Get over it. At least you can walk quickly in your flat sandals.
18) If someone offers you Chinese wine, be careful...
19) Take some time to get a little lost in whatever city you wind up in... often you find the most interesting places that way.
20) That being said, always either know the name of your hotel, or carry their card.
21) When in doubt, ask a local, and see what they think.
22) Those little Chinese grandmothers are much tougher than they look, especially when they are racing up the Great Wall.
23) If need be, take a nap. If you are exhausted you will not enjoy whatever you are supposed to be seeing.
24) But also, don't be afraid to stay out late. Beijing at night is not something to be missed.
25) Bring your camera and umbrella everywhere.
26)Try everything once, but don't feel obligated to eat it again.
27) When a host offers you food, you must eat it. No matter how full you already are, or how gross it may be.
28) The random people sitting in the streets wearing red armbands are extra police forces.
29) Pack shoes that fit.
30) You will very quickly figure out how to most efficiently wash your clothes in the sink.
31) You don't have to like all of your travel partners all of the time, but you should at least make a consistent effort to polite and considerate, otherwise you are simply bringing everyone else down.
32) KTV may be an awesome karaoke chain, but it is also a front for prostitution... which is sad.
33) The massage parlor is also a brothel.
34) Nothing sold on the side of the street is real, so don't pay real prices for them.
35) Although something may be considered cheap by American standards, you need to think in terms relative to the Chinese currency.
36) You should be able to get a good meal for about 10 yuan.
37) Don't be afraid to walk away from a deal. China is a big place, and people are selling the same crap everywhere.
38) Get used to drinking boiling water. At least you know that is safe, and is generally much cheaper than the luke-warm bottled water for sale elsewhere.
39) Eat things that you think are too spicy for you. At the very least it will help your tolerance.
40) If at all possible, rent a bike. You may feel that you are close to death a couple of times, but it is a wonderful experience.
41) Don't be afraid to hate a huge tourist attraction, but also don't be afraid to love to most cheesy and Westernized things in China.
42) Yes, KFC is everywhere, and so is McDonald's... but they are considerably more expensive that the street food.
43) The ice cream does not taste the same.
44) The dogs are all super well behaved, from the best-groomed poodle to the mangiest mutt on the street.
45) Drink more water than you think you need. Yes, this may result in you needing to use the squat toilet, but at least you won't be sick and dehydrated.
46) Be prepared to be completely overwhelmed by the crowds, sites, smells, and sounds at least once per day.
47) Make sure you take some time out of your day and really think about everything you have seen and done.
48) When covering over 5,000 years of history in 4 weeks, there will be times where you simply cannot absorb any more dates, names, facts, or artifacts. That is okay.
49) You will see people living in absolutely terrible conditions, barely making a living, and struggling through each day. Think about this, and how it relates to your own life.
50) You will also see miracles and incredible generosity and kindness everyday. Think about this, and let it change your life.

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